
ESUP | Enhanced Support

The Univerge Enhanced Support Bundle enriches Netsuite CRM Support by introducing a new level of hierarchy for cases, allowing for easy parenting of cases. Additionally, it enables seamless synchronization of messages and attributes from parent cases to all associated sub cases.

a year ago

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UV ESUP | Univerge Enhanced Support

Introducing the Univerge Enhanced Support Bundle for Netsuite CRM Support

The Univerge Enhanced Support Bundle enriches Netsuite CRM Support by introducing a new level of hierarchy for cases, allowing for easy parenting of cases. Additionally, it enables seamless synchronization of messages and attributes from parent cases to all associated sub cases. With this bundle, you can efficiently manage your customer communications and update multiple child cases from a single parent case. Furthermore, it offers the ability to define and automate case assignments, streamlining your support operations.

Key Features:

  1. Parenting Hierarchy for Cases: The bundle introduces one level of hierarchy, enabling you to establish parent-child relationships among cases. This hierarchical structure simplifies case organization and tracking.
  2. Synchronization of Messages and Attributes: Messages and preconfigured attributes from parent cases are automatically synchronized across all related sub cases, ensuring consistent and coherent communication with customers.
  3. Efficient Customer Communication: Message your customers conveniently from the parent case, making it effortless to keep them informed about relevant updates and resolutions.
  4. Bulk Status Updates: Update the status of multiple child cases simultaneously from the parent case, saving time and effort in managing case statuses.
  5. Automated Case Assignments: Define and automate case assignments based on your preferred criteria, optimizing the allocation of support tasks to your team members.
  6. Dashboard-Free Backend Processes: The Univerge Enhanced Support Bundle operates through backend processes. It effortlessly synchronizes attributes and messages from parent cases to all associated sub cases without requiring any manual intervention.

Streamlined Setup

Setting up the bundle is simple. Just define the case parenting relationships, and the bundle will handle the rest, automatically propagating updates across related cases.
Customizable Synchronization: While the bundle synchronizes attributes and messages by default, you have the flexibility to exclude specific sub cases from the synchronization flow if needed. This customizable feature allows you to tailor the synchronization process to match your unique support requirements.

In conclusion, the Univerge Enhanced Support Bundle for Netsuite CRM Support offers advanced case management capabilities with effortless parenting and synchronization functionalities. By streamlining customer communication, automating case assignments, and providing customization options, this bundle enhances your support operations and ensures a seamless support experience for both your team and customers.


The Univerge Enhanced Support Bundle operates through efficient backend processes. These processes seamlessly synchronize attributes and messages from parent cases to their associated child sub cases. To get started, all you need to do is define the cases' parenting relationships, and the bundle will handle the rest, automating the synchronization process. Moreover, you have the flexibility to customize the synchronization flow, allowing you to exclude specific sub cases if required. With this level of control and automation, managing your support cases becomes a breeze.

UV ESUP | Bundle Configuration

With our system, you can effortlessly configure all attributes and fields (both native and custom) that need synchronization from a parent case to all associated child sub cases. This feature ensures that relevant information is consistently propagated, promoting coherence in your support processes.

Furthermore, our intuitive interface allows you to visualize the tree of assignations automation, providing a clear and comprehensive view of how cases are assigned and managed within the parent-child hierarchy. This visualization enhances your understanding of the automated assignation process, enabling you to make informed decisions and streamline your support operations effectively.


Published a year ago