
Univerge customers are international large data centers corporations. They play a crucial role as the backbone of the internet, providing services to customers that we rely on daily. From software and financial to entertainment, and health platforms, they are at the forefront of our modern world.

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At Univerge, our valued customers are international large data center corporations. These data centers play a crucial role as the backbone of the internet, providing services to various industries that we rely on daily. From software and financial institutions to banking, investing, insurance, entertainment, and health platforms, these data centers are at the forefront of our modern world.

How We Assist Our Customers

Our applications are designed to empower these data centers by enhancing their customer management capabilities. We achieve this by integrating specialized data center-specific CRM & ERP modules and functionalities into their existing Netsuite systems. Through our tailored solutions, we enable our customers to efficiently manage their operations, ensuring seamless interactions with their clients and driving the success of their businesses.

Stack Infrastructure

Our Valued Customer: Stack Infrastructure

Stack Infrastructure stands as one of our largest and most significant customers, boasting an impressive network of data centers across the globe. Their presence spans key locations in the United States, including Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, New Albany, Northern Virginia, Phoenix, Portland, and Silicon Valley. Additionally, they have data centers in Canada (Calgary, Toronto), Europe (Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Geneva, Milan, Oslo, Stockholm, Zurich), and Asia Pacific (Canberra, Melbourne, Osaka, Perth, Seoul, Tokyo).

Experience Tailored Solutions for Your Needs: With Stack Infrastructure, you gain access to cutting-edge build-to-suit hyper-scale data center solutions. Their expert development team, coupled with abundant land and power capacity, ensures that you receive precisely what you desire, exactly where you need it. This empowers you to address present challenges efficiently while streamlining future growth plans.

Accelerate Your Ready-for-Service Timelines: Benefit from their powered shell solutions that are primed for fit-out, allowing you to establish scalable data center capacity in critical locations tailored to your specific requirements. This not only accelerates your readiness for service but also grants you the flexibility to expand seamlessly as your business evolves.

Commissioned Capacity for Your Digital Infrastructure: To meet your current growth requirements and reliability demands, STACK offers meticulously commissioned capacity. This empowers you to align your digital infrastructure with your projected growth trajectory, ensuring a robust and reliable foundation for your operations.

Join Stack Infrastructure and unleash the full potential of your data center needs.

Element Critical

Our Valued Customer: Element Critical

Element Critical is at the forefront of designing hybrid infrastructure and ultra-high density colocation solutions in strategic locations including Austin, Houston, Chicago, and Silicon Valley. With a focus on optimizing efficiency and resource utilization, their solutions are tailored to maximize the value you receive for your investment.

Hybrid Infrastructure and High-Density Colocation Expertise: Element Critical excels in crafting innovative hybrid infrastructure solutions that seamlessly combine the benefits of various technologies to suit your unique business requirements. Additionally, their ultra-high density colocation solutions provide the necessary power and capacity for high-performance computing demands.

Unlock Enhanced Efficiency and Resource Utilization: By partnering with Element Critical, you gain access to cutting-edge solutions that maximize efficiency and resource utilization. This means that you can make the most out of your IT spend while maintaining the highest standards of performance and reliability.

Experience the power of Element Critical's tailored solutions and propel your business to new heights of efficiency and success.


Our Valued Customer: Radius Data Center

Radius Data Center stands out with their exceptional expertise in data centers and strong partnerships within the telecommunications ecosystem. Their commitment to innovation and resilience translates into cutting-edge solutions for all their customers.

Meeting Growing Data Demands: With the explosive growth of data outside of traditional data center markets and the continuous expansion of cloud services, there is a pressing need for local, reliable colocation facilities. Radius Data Center addresses this demand by providing state-of-the-art colocation services to reach a vast audience.

Prime Location in Denver's Interconnection Alley; Located at the heart of Denver's interconnection alley, Radius hosts an extensive array of network operators, carriers, MSOs (Multiple System Operators), and content providers. This strategic positioning enables RadiusDC to cater to the increasingly urgent requirement to expand IT infrastructure to the network edge.

Unlock the Power of Radius Data Center's Solutions: Partnering with Radius Data Center empowers your business with innovative and resilient solutions tailored to your unique requirements. With their extensive network of partnerships and focus on cutting-edge technology, they are well-equipped to meet the growing demands of the digital age.

Experience the seamless connectivity and performance that Radius Data Center offers, and elevate your IT infrastructure to new heights of efficiency and reliability.


Our Valued Customer: eStruxture

eStruxture is proud to offer an array of fifteen state-of-the-art facilities, each boasting high power density and sustainable design. Strategically located in major Canadian markets, including Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary, their data centers are perfectly positioned to serve your business needs.

Customized Solutions for Optimal Efficiency: At eStruxture, they understand that every business has unique requirements. That's why they offer a fully customized approach, ensuring that you receive the most efficient combination of space, power, cooling, and connectivity tailored to your specific needs. This level of personalization guarantees seamless support for even the most sophisticated workloads.

Scalable Facilities for Future Growth: With eStruxture, you can rest assured that you will always have room to grow. Their scalable facilities provide the flexibility to expand your operations as your business demands evolve. Whether you require additional space, enhanced power capabilities, or more robust connectivity, eStruxture has you covered.

Unlock the Full Potential of eStruxture's Solutions: Partnering with eStruxture grants you access to cutting-edge data centers that are designed to optimize efficiency, adapt to your evolving needs, and provide the support necessary for your most demanding workloads. Embrace the power of eStruxture's customizable and scalable solutions to elevate your business operations and drive success in the digital era.