
CMMS | Cloud Maintenance Management System (for FAMs)

The Univerge CMMS bundle is a powerful system for managing maintenance across various asset types. With support for multiple "nested" maintenance schedules, blackout dates, and calendar tracking, it ensures efficient maintenance planning and execution.

a year ago

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UV CMMS | Univerge Cloud Maintenance Management System

Introducing the Univerge Cloud Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Bundle for Netsuite

The Univerge Cloud Maintenance Management System bundle is a comprehensive addition to Netsuite, providing a powerful CMMS for managing maintenance across various asset types. With support for multiple "nested" maintenance schedules, blackout dates, and calendar tracking, this bundle ensures efficient maintenance planning and execution. Moreover, it offers a wide range of reporting capabilities and more to enhance maintenance operations.

Key Features

  1. Robust Maintenance Scheduling: Create and manage multiple "nested" maintenance schedules for different asset types, ensuring optimal maintenance planning and adherence to maintenance cycles.
  2. Blackout Dates and Calendar Tracking: Set blackout dates for maintenance activities and easily track maintenance events on a user-friendly calendar.
  3. Automated Case Creation and Notifications: Streamline the maintenance process with automated case creation and notifications for employees, customers, equipment, and maintenance vendors (vendors integration is under development), ensuring timely and proactive maintenance management.
  4. Seamless Integration with Netsuite FAM Assets Module: The bundle works seamlessly with Netsuite's Fixed Assets Management (FAM) module, enhancing asset management capabilities.

Enhance Maintenance Efficiency and Effectiveness

By incorporating the Univerge Cloud Maintenance Management System bundle into Netsuite and Netsuite FAM module, businesses gain a robust CMMS that caters to diverse asset types. The bundle's support for nested maintenance schedules, blackout dates, and calendar tracking streamlines maintenance planning and execution. Automated case creation and notifications foster proactive maintenance practices, improving asset reliability and reducing downtime.

Improve Maintenance Visibility and Reporting

With a wealth of reporting capabilities, this bundle offers valuable insights into maintenance performance and asset health. Users can access comprehensive reports to monitor maintenance activities, analyze trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize maintenance operations.

In conclusion, the Univerge Cloud Maintenance Management System bundle empowers businesses to efficiently manage maintenance across various asset types in Netsuite. From robust scheduling features to automated case creation and notifications, this bundle streamlines maintenance workflows, enhancing asset reliability and performance. By providing comprehensive reporting and seamless integration with Netsuite FAM Assets module, the bundle enables data-driven decision-making and elevates maintenance efficiency to new heights. Embrace the power of this bundle to unlock the full potential of your maintenance operations.

Dashboard | Maintenances Calendar

Effortlessly Visualize Maintenance Calendar and History

With our platform, you can easily visualize the calendar of current maintenances, as well as an entire rolling year of maintenance history. This feature provides a comprehensive view of all scheduled and completed maintenance activities, empowering you to stay on top of your maintenance schedule.

Seamless Grouping of Similar Maintenances

Our platform can intelligently groups similar maintenances together under a new or existing parent case. This streamlined grouping ensures a clearer and more organized maintenance record, simplifying tracking and reporting. With this capability, you can efficiently manage and analyze maintenance trends, enabling data-driven decision-making for improved maintenance practices.

Dashboard | Projections Calendar

Gain Insights into One Year of Maintenance Projections

Our platform enables you to easily visualize or download maintenance projections for a full year. Whether you prefer a visual representation or need the data in a downloadable CSV or PDF format, our system provides you with the flexibility and convenience to access maintenance projections for informed decision-making and planning. Embrace the power of this feature to enhance your maintenance management and stay ahead of your maintenance schedule effectively.

Dashboard | Assets Maintenances Schedule

Effortlessly Access Maintenance History and Projections for Each Asset

Our platform provides you with a user-friendly interface to seamlessly visualize the complete maintenance history and projections for each asset. With our "nested" maintenance feature, you can easily navigate through the maintenance records, gaining valuable insights into past maintenance activities and future projections. This comprehensive view empowers you to make informed decisions and ensure the optimal performance and reliability of your assets.

UV CMMS | Bundle Configuration

Customize the Functions of the CMMS Bundle to Your Preferences

Our platform allows you to easily configure the functions of the CMMS bundle based on your specific needs. Choose which features you want to be active, tailoring the system to align perfectly with your maintenance management requirements.

Take advantage of our customizable options to optimize your maintenance operations and enhance the performance of your assets with ease and efficiency.

Effortless Maintenance Case Creation with Default Settings: Streamline your maintenance process by setting default configurations for automatic creation of maintenance cases. With this feature, you can ensure that the necessary cases are generated efficiently, saving time and effort in managing maintenance activities.

Define Mechanical and Electrical Asset Categories: Personalize your asset management by defining distinct categories for mechanical and electrical assets. This classification facilitates organized asset tracking and enables focused maintenance management based on asset types.


Published a year ago